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Blog #6: Research Phase

Finding resources for my topic was not a struggle. Since I plan on discussing transgender people and their relationship with healthcare, I looked up the keyword phrase "transgender healthcare" and discovered plenty of sources that initially appeared to be perfect for my essay. Considering that transgender discrimination and bias in medical fields have been trending news topics in recent years, it was not surprising that the research phase of this project was rather straightforward. 

Some of the first few papers that arrived on my search page were very short or displayed in a format that was difficult for me to read and understand. The most useful journals contained statistics explaining the hardships some transgender people experience while trying to get medical treatment. One paper, "Knowledge, Beliefs, and Communication Behavior of Oncology Health-care Providers (HCPs) regarding Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Patient Health care" had its own studies examining the beliefs of healthcare providers and how it can affect their relationship with transgender patients. 

"Proposed Changes to Diagnoses Related to Gender Identity in the DSM: A World Professional Association for Transgender Health Consensus Paper Regarding the Potential Impact on Access to Health Care for Transgender Persons" looked toward the future, with suggestions on decreasing the bias against transgender people receiving treatment and healthcare. That paper will definitely help me in analyzing what issues transgender people currently face. 

Links to Resources:

Knowledge, beliefs, and communication behavior of oncology health-care providers (HCPs) regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) patient health care

Proposed changes to diagnoses related to gender identity in the DSM: A World Professional Association for Transgender Health consensus paper regarding the potential impact on access to health care for transgender persons


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