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Blog #7: Tulsa Race Massacre

The Tulsa Race Massacre occurred in the early summer of 1921, where mobs composed of white people from Tulsa, Oklahoma attacked black people and their homes and businesses. While historians refer to the event as one of the worst examples of racial violence in United States history, the event itself is not widely known by the masses. Many brutal events involving racism are often documented and discussed, but the Tulsa Race Massacre was not recognized by many non-historians. The massacre occurred before the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s and definitely influenced many of the protests and motivations for civil rights. With both its importance and lack of recognition, I think it is important to discuss the need to re-evaluate the Tulsa Race Massacre and the public's reaction to it.

The event came to my attention during my AP US History class, though I reconsidered it more when the pilot episode of the 2019 show Watchmen depicted the massacre. I noticed many people on social media talking about the event, with many documenting their surprise that they had never heard of the event until watching the show. Without Watchment, the Tulsa Race Massacre would have gone down in history are a forgotten event. The awareness of the event through its dramazation should also be analyzed in relation to the reasons for its evaluation. 


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