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Blog Retrospective

This semester feels like it went much faster than the first. The most realistic possibility for that happening I can think of is that I felt more comfortable with my place at USC and got adjusted to my classes quickly. In regards to this class, I was already familiar with writing college papers, as I took a college composition course in high school. Writing papers and researching was not difficult, though the class did provide me some new experiences. Before starting the semester, I had not ever written or blog nor participated in blog culture. Writing blog posts felt akin to reflecting on the writing process on each of papers, and I was able to detail what I wanted to write about and reference it later on if I ever forgot.

With me being an Interactive Media and Entertainment major, I am able to reflect issues in America by writing certain themes into games, though that depends on the stories I want to write. Research papers are necessary for my field since I have no plans on becoming a games scholar. I am, however, glad that I had the chance to write. 


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