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Blog #8: Photographs of the Tulsa Race Massacre

Oklahoma State University has a collection of photographs documenting the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921. Despite all the photographs being in black and white, all of them showcase the events of that day, the people that partcipated, and the aftermath. Most of the photographs contain the physical damage done to building, including burning buildings and crumbled houses. Those that incited the results, the white residents of Tulsa, are seen holding guns and pointing them at their black neighbors. The Tulsa Race Massacre became more well-known by the American public a few years ago and was not discussed much, so the photographs courtsery of Oklahoma State University demonstrate the devastation and brutality of the massacre.

For this writing project, I know that my classmates are researching different events, though some involve racial riots or unknown events involving racial discrimination. The photographs I plan to include in my paper are very specific for my topic. Despite that, the photographs demonstrate a period in America where wide-spread racial violence occurred and sparks a larger discussion on how such events are often overlooked today. 

Work Cited

“Black Men and Women with Armed White Men.” CONTENTdm, Oklahoma State University, 1921,

“Black District Aftermath.” CONTENTdm, Oklahoma State University, 1921,

“Burning Building and Bystanders.” CONTENTdm, Oklahoma State University, 1921,


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